we are the preeminent supplier to companies such as boeing, airbus, nasa, ford, gm, johnson & johnson, nist and thousands of measurement labs throughout the world. our load cells are complimented by highly accurate torque transducers, machine calibration systems, digital indicators, software, and force measurement system components - which we manufacture and sell throughout the world. our in-house calibration labs support a variety test standards: astm e74, iso-376, mil-std, en10002-3, iso-17025, and others.
interface 依靠其專利的溫度自補償應變片材料和貼片工藝、獨到的彈性體結構設計、高度自動化的生產流程、細致的標定程序,為業界提供了無可比擬的高精度長壽命穩定可靠的力及扭矩傳感器。