HLS60 90 120 180系列混凝土攪拌樓 HLS60 90 120 180 series of concrete mixing towers 該設備是集物料儲存、計量、攪拌于一體的大型混凝土攪拌設備,生產率分別為60~180m³/h,配套主機采用雙臥軸強制式攪拌機,混凝土卸料高度為3.8米,可攪拌各種類型的的混凝土。適用于中等規模以上的商品混凝土生產廠及大型建筑、水電、公路、港口、碼頭、橋梁等工程建設和大中型預制件廠。 該設備可同時儲存3—4種骨料,根據用戶需求,粉料配料系統配備水泥倉、粉煤灰倉、粉狀外加劑倉,粉料由螺旋輸送機送到計量斗中。水、液體外加劑由水泵送到計量斗中。計量系統為電子稱計量,微機控制、計量精度高、誤差小。控制系統具有屏幕顯示、配比儲存、落差自動補償等功能,并配有手動系統,可實現攪拌過程的手動、自動控制。 中交二公局哈大高速客運專線長春西站HLS90樓二套施工現場 This equipment is a kind of concrete batcfing equipment of storage, weigfing and stirring. The productivity are 60~180m³/h, the mixer adopts road-beb material batching continuous batching plant,the discharge height of concrete is 3.8m,and it can stir various kinds of concretes.Applied to larger than the medium svale commodity concrete manufacture factories,the project construction,such as large scale building,water and electricity,calzada,port,dock and bridge,and the large and medium scale prefabrication products factories. It can store three to four kinds of aggregate simultaneously.According to the demands of the clients,the fly-ash batching system equips cement storage ,fly-ash coal storage, and power additive storage.Aggregate is send to the weighing bucket screw feeding machine,water and the liquid additive are sent to the weighing bucket by the water pump.It is electron weighing system;computer control;High weighing accuracy;small error.The control system owns the functions of screen display,distributing ratio storage,automatically equalize the fall,and it is equipped the manual system,which can realize the manual and automatic control during the stirring process. 中交一公局塘承高速公路HLS60樓施工現場 主要技術參數 Main Technical Parameters
型號 Model | HLS60 | HLS90 | HLS120 | HLS180 |
理論生產率(m³/h) Theoretical Productivity | 60 | 90 | 120 | 180 |
攪拌主機 Mixer | JS1000 | JS1500 | JS2000 | JS3000 |
配料系統(m³) Batch systerm | PL1600 | PL2400 | PL3200 | PL4800 |
卸料高度(㎜) Heighy of discharge | 3800 | 3800 | 3800 | 3800 |
骨料計量精度(%) Precision of aggregates | ≤±2 | ≤±2 | ≤±2 | ≤±2 |
水計量精度(%) Precision of water | ≤±1 | ≤±1 | ≤±1 | ≤±1 |
水泥計量精度(%) Precision of Cement | ≤±1 | ≤±1 | ≤±1 | ≤±1 |
外加劑計量精度(%) Precision of Additional | ≤±2 | ≤±2 | ≤±2 | ≤±2 |
功率(kw) (不含水泥倉及輸送機) (exclude storage and feeding machine) | 80 | 110 | 148 | 178 |